
Mastering your FBT return: Essential insights for Australian business owners

fbt return

You’ve poured energy, time, and resources into your business, but there’s one area you might not have fully tackled yet: Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). Understanding and managing your FBT return is not just a legal requirement; it’s an opportunity to refine your business’s financial strategies.

Understanding fringe benefits tax

Before diving into the specifics of the FBT return, let’s clarify what is fringe benefits tax. In Australia, FBT is a tax employers pay on certain benefits they provide to their employees or their employees’ associates (typically family members), beyond their salary or wages. These benefits can range from the use of a company car, car parking, entertainment to private health insurance premiums and housing.

Why FBT matters to you

You might wonder, “Why is this relevant to me?” Here’s the thing: fringe benefit tax Australia regulations affect a wide range of businesses. If you provide any perks or non-cash benefits to your employees, understanding how does fringe benefit tax work is crucial. It ensures you comply with Australian tax laws and helps you plan your finances more effectively.

Choosing the right FBT return approach

When it’s time to file your FBT returns, knowing your obligations is vital. The fringe benefits tax return process involves identifying the types of fringe benefits you’ve provided, calculating their taxable value, and reporting them to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Each type of fringe benefit has specific valuation rules, which can significantly impact your FBT liability.

Who bears the burden of FBT?

A common query among business owners is: who pays fringe benefits tax? The responsibility lies with the employer, not the employee. This is a key distinction from other forms of income tax. As a business owner, it’s your job to assess, report, and pay any FBT owed.

Key dates: FBT return due date

The timing of your FBT return submission is crucial for maintaining compliance and avoiding penalties. According to the ATO, the standard due date to lodge your return and settle any FBT owed is by 21 May each year, following the FBT year that ends on 31 March. However, there are exceptions:

  • Tax agent lodgment: If your return is lodged electronically by a tax agent, the due date is generally extended to 25 June. To qualify for this extension, you must be listed as an FBT client of the tax agent by 21 May.
  • Extensions: If you’ve arranged an extension of time with the ATO or your tax agent, adhere to the agreed-upon extended deadline.

Remember, if the due date falls on a weekend or public holiday, it moves to the next business day. Planning and preparing your FBT return well in advance of the due date can alleviate last-minute stress and help avoid potential penalties.

For businesses lodging through a tax agent, like creditte for the first time, it’s crucial to contact us before 21 May. This ensures that we can add you to our FBT client list in time to benefit from the extended June lodgment and payment date.

It’s important to note that your FBT payments must reach the ATO by the due date to avoid interest charges and penalties. Whether you’re making a single annual payment or paying quarterly instalments, timely payment is essential for compliance and financial peace of mind.

If you find yourself needing an extension or facing difficulties with timely payment, it’s advisable to contact your tax agent or the ATO directly before the due date to discuss your circumstances and explore available options.

fringe benefits tax

Managing business risks with FBT strategies

When we discuss “managing business risks with FBT strategies,” we’re addressing the financial risks that stem from failing to comply with or improperly managing FBT obligations. These risks aren’t trivial; they encompass financial penalties, increased tax liabilities, and the potential for significant damage to your business’s reputation. Each of these can have a profound effect on your business’s assets and overall financial health.

However, the cornerstone of protecting your business from FBT-related risks is proactive management, particularly in one critical area: record-keeping. This aspect cannot be overstated. In fact, poor record-keeping is the primary shortcoming for 99% of businesses when it comes to FBT compliance. Accurate and detailed records are your best defense against FBT compliance issues. They provide clear evidence of all fringe benefits provided and ensure that you can substantiate any claims or exemptions you make.

To enhance your business’s FBT strategies and safeguard against these risks, consider the following actions:

  • Prioritise record-keeping: Implement a system that captures all necessary details of fringe benefits provided, including dates, values, and the nature of each benefit. Regularly review and update your records to ensure they remain accurate and comprehensive.
  • Seek exemptions and concessions: Understand the exemptions and concessions available under FBT legislation and apply them wherever applicable. Accurate records will support your eligibility for these concessions and can significantly reduce your FBT liability.
  • Engage professional valuation services: For certain fringe benefits, professional valuation may be necessary to determine their taxable value accurately. Professional services can also provide guidance on FBT compliance and help identify potential areas of risk.
  • Regular reviews and audits: Conduct regular reviews and audits of your FBT processes and records. This proactive approach can help identify and rectify any issues before they escalate into significant problems.

By emphasising accurate record-keeping and adopting these strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of FBT non-compliance and its associated penalties.

Implementing effective FBT strategies

Effective FBT return strategies involve more than just compliance; they require an understanding of how different benefits are taxed and the best ways to report them. Regularly reviewing your fringe benefits, consulting with business tax planning professionals, and considering the tax implications of each benefit can lead to significant savings and more informed business decisions.

Final thoughts

FBT doesn’t have to be a source of stress. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can turn it into an opportunity for strategic financial planning. Remember, FBT return compliance is just one part of managing your business’s financial health.


Feeling unsure about your FBT obligations or need expert advice? creditte chartered accountants & advisors are here to help. We specialise in helping businesses like yours in managing the complexities of FBT and other tax obligations, ensuring you stay compliant while optimising your financial strategies. Book a discovery call today. 

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